Microcosms of the Holocaust


Home as a Place for Anti-Jewish Persecution in European Cities Conference in Paris January 2018


The History of the Holocaust has taken a spatial turn, borrowing concepts and tools from geography. However, recent local and spatial studies deal almost exclusively with the killing areas, camps, and ghettos. They pay less attention to the “ordinary” western and southeastern European cities where persecution proceeded in a looser space. Anti-Jewish persecution invaded spaces of everyday life in European cities: public spaces, work places and private spaces such as homes. In this landscape not only Jews and agents of persecution appear but also their immediate residential environment: concierges, neighbors, nannies, landlords, property managers, sub-tenants, local administrations, etc.

This conference, which will be held January 11 and January 12 in Paris, intends to bridge various perspectives and methods and focus on urban housing as a place for anti-Jewish persecution. We gather social scientists from various fields to confront various methods investigation and cases, in Reich cities but also in Western and Eastern European occupied cities. Inspired by the organizers’ current research on the Parisian case, the conference will deal with policies of seizure and reallocation of the apartments of the Jews in Paris, but will not be restricted to those questions .https://www.ehess.fr/en/node/13285

You can find the programme here: http://crh.ehess.fr/docannexe/file/5935/2018_home_as_place_conference_program_final.pdf